Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain newcomers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.

Hebrews 13:1-2

Saint Anthony the Great Orthodox Church is a Christian community in Hendersonville, North Carolina, serving families and other believers in Hendersonville, Henderson County, and the broader Western North Carolina area. The parish’s name tells a great deal about who we are:

  • We are under the patronage and spiritual care of Saint Anthony the Great
  • Saint Anthony's is an Orthodox parish, meaning that it follows the ancient, traditional Christian faith as given by Jesus Christ to His Apostles, and also making the parish part of the worldwide Orthodox Church.
  • The parish is a Church, meaning that our sole purpose is the transformation, healing and salvation of its members, as well as those whose lives it may touch.

Our parish welcomes you to join us on Sunday morning for Divine Liturgy, our primary weekly gathering, as well as any other services that may be held during the week. Don't forget to join us for coffee hour immediately following Divine Liturgy. Everyone is welcome and we would love to meet you!

Experience the Life of our Parish Community in the following ways:


A Brief Introduction to the Orthodox Church. www.goarch.org. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. August 10, 2016. 

“The Orthodox Christian Church: Your Spiritual Home” 

Welcoming Children

The parish of St Anthony the Great is filled with wonderful children. We celebrate and welcome young families interested in discovering the ancient Church and the way of Christ. We have a dedicated, carpeted "children's corner" in our little parish with icons, coloring books, and sundry child-friendly items to assist parents as they participate in Divine Liturgy. 

We will not shame children for being children, nor shame parents if their child(ren) struggle during the liturgy. Parents simply guide and instruct the children as needed.

Children, no matter the age, are equally valuable parishioners. Children often worship in more pure and innocent ways than adults, and so it is important for us to see their childlike faith and be imitators of such virtue.